Legal Disclaimer



The Castle of Grandson Foundation takes great care to ensure the accuracy of the information published on its website, but cannot guarantee it. This information is provided for personal use and for information purposes. The Foundation expressly reserves the right to complete, modify, delete or publish all or part of the information at any time and without prior notice.


The Castle of Grandson Foundation declines all responsibility for any damage that may be caused by accessing its website, its use and the information published. The Foundation’s liability is excluded insofar as no intentional fault or grave negligence is attributable to it.


The Castle of Grandson website ( contains links to other websites which are not under the responsibility of the Foundation. The Castle of Grandson Foundation declines all responsibility for the respect of data protection by the owners of these other websites as well as for their content.

Data protection


The Castle of Grandson Foundation scrupulously respects the right to privacy and the protection against the abusive and fraudulent use of its visitors’ personal data. It complies with the legal provisions applicable in this respect.


The Castle of Grandson Foundation does not collect any data allowing the personal identification of visitors to its website, unless this data is provided voluntarily by the visitor by means of a form or by e-mail. In this case, the data may be kept and used, with the user’s consent, for administrative purposes, to improve the services offered, and to send information and promotions on the activities of the Castle of Grandson, its museum and its restaurant.


The personal data communicated by visitors are treated confidentially and are neither sold nor provided to third parties. Users may, at any time, exercise their right to data protection and obtain information on the registration of their personal data, correct them, add to them or object to their use, or request their deletion if necessary.


For any questions or requests for clarification regarding the use and processing of data, please contact:


Castle of Grandson Foundation

Place du Château 12

1422 Grandson



All texts, images and graphic content on the Castle of Grandson website are the exclusive property of the Castle of Grandson Foundation or of expressly mentioned third parties and are protected by copyright law. The reproduction, transmission, modification or use of any of the content is prohibited and requires prior written authorisation from the holder of the rights. Downloading or copying images, texts, photos or other graphic elements does not entail any transfer of rights.


The place of jurisdiction is Grandson VD, Switzerland.


Castle of Grandson Foundation, Grandson, July 2022.

Le château de Grandson est en restauration jusqu'en 2026