Fondation du Château de Grandson



Created in 1980 with the aim of buying the castle of Grandson, the Fondation du Château de Grandson has been involved since 1983 in the management and promotion of the monument and its opening to the public.



Safeguarding, documenting and promoting the Castle of Grandson.


Contribute to knowledge and understanding, develop the educational role and make the historical and cultural content carried by the Castle and the collection accessible to all.


Acquire, preserve and develop the collection.


Dominique Freymond (President)

Nicolas Delachaux

Roland Duss

Charlotte Gutscher

Karin Hilzinger

Isabelle Raboud-Schüle

Serge Reymond (Vice President)

Antonio Vialatte


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Camille Verdier


Museum Curator

Tiziana Andreani

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Communication Director

Diego Mediano

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Administration manager

Catherine Staffieri

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Event Manager

Lola Bertin

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F&B Manager

Léonore de Raemy

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Maintenance and security Manager



Carmela Menna

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Cultural mediation manager

Sandra Hay

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Cultural mediation team

Robin Badoux, Maude Benoit, Sandrine Cottens, Claudia Gattolliat, Véronique Meusy, Fabien Siegert, Brigitte Stegmüller, Annick Voirol, Peter Zünd

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Reception team

Aurélie Fortes Garcia, Martine Schenker, Nadia Capraro

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Café-Restaurant Le Châtelet Team



« Château de Grandson 2026 » est un projet de rénovation patrimoniale et de renouveau muséal qui vise à replacer le Château de Grandson dans le paysage culturel et touristique helvétique. Ce projet d’envergure de plus de 40 millions de francs, mené de concert par la fondation propriétaire du château, la Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte (SKKG) et la Fondation du Château de Grandson est une opportunité touristique rare pour le Nord vaudois et le canton dans son ensemble. Le château reste ouvert au public pendant toute la durée de ce projet grâce à des visites guidées qui permettront d’apprécier l’ampleur des travaux de rénovation.



In 2022, the Grandson Castle Foundation (FCG) made significant strides in its “Grandson Castle 2026” project by implementing crucial structural adjustments and expanding its team with new positions and profiles.


The FCG Board has worked tirelessly to ensure the project’s sustainability and long-term success, with a focus on managing the site’s restoration and preparing for the museum’s grand opening in 2026.


Join us in discovering the exciting highlights of Grandson Castle’s progress in 2022. (Annual report in french)

Le château de Grandson est en restauration jusqu'en 2026